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Find out more about our work transforming the lives of Atlanta’s young people through dance.

Moving in the Spirit’s open-level offering, Stepping Stones provides students ages 3-18 one hour age-appropriate dance classes each week.
A place in which young men ages 10-13 can learn values, build confidence, and practice leadership skills.
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An intermediate level program for girls 9-12 years old, the GLOW in Motion program empowers young women.
An intensive training program that cultivates advanced dance technique and leadership skills in teens.
Moving in the Spirit’s Summer Dance Camp combines dance instruction with leadership training for young people ages 7-13.
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A technical training program featuring intensive hands-on instruction for teens interested in theater production.


Moving in the Spirit is an award-winning creative youth development program. We use the discipline of dance to help children and teens develop the social, emotional and cognitive skills they need to thrive.


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Janan Mirza
Alumna, Capital Campaign Champion
“Moving in the Spirit is a family. It’s not just a business or a dance company or a place that you go. My friends at college talk about how they aren't really close with the people from their dance company, that it was just a place for them to learn technical skills. It's quite the opposite for me, and I'm really appreciative."
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